Environment Management Service
Committed to Environment Management for Sustainable Development
Netel strives to provide a unique blend of traditional engineering skills combined with innovative technologies, covering evaluation, planning and control of host of environmental issues.
The steady but controlled growth of NETEL is a direct result of its commitment to quality, analytical and solution oriented approach, cost effectiveness and reliability of our services. Diversity and experience of our professional staff allows NETEL to meet varied needs of our clients, regardless of project size, complexity or location.
Netel offers a comprehensive approach to detect, monitor the release of pollutants in Air, Water and Soil Environment. The following routine, specific and annual monitoring services are offered through nationwide network:
Netel is equipped with modern laboratory having all requisite testing facilities which is recognized by Ministry of Environment & Forest (MoEF), Govt. of India and National Accreditation Board for Testing and Calibration Laboratories (NABL), New Delhi
Our Services
Environment Compliance Monitoring
- Stack Emission Monitoring
- Ambient Air Quality Monitoring and Noise Monitoring
- Water / Wastewater / Soil / Compost / Solid Waste / Hazardous Waste Analysis
- Workplace / Fugitive Emission Monitoring
- Leak Detection and Repair Program (LDAR)
Environment Consulting and Laboratory
Services for EIA & ECA
- Baseline Data Collection for EIA for the project sites involving Air, Water, Land and Biological Evaluation Integrated with Socio-economic aspects
- Environmental Statement / Compliance Audits

Industrial Operations Requires EIA/ECA
Operation & Maintenance of Pollution
Control Systems (O & M STP / ETP / WTP)
- O & M of Sewage Treatment Plant (STP)
- O & M of Effluent Treatment Plant (ETP)
- O & M of Water Treatment Plant (WTP)